Reset Azure AD User password with a predefined password
Posted On June 20, 2019
In the Azure portal you can reset the password of a user, but this is always a temporary password. But PowerShell to the resque again, lets set the password in Azure AD with PowerShell with a predefined password! On your Windows device open a PowerShell prompt and connect to Azure AD. (Click here if you don’t know how to)
First we need to get the object ID from the user where we want the password to be reset. Run the following command (replace emailadres):
Get-AzureADUser -filter "userPrincipalName eq ''"
Copy the ObjectId from the user where you want to have the password reset. And run the following commands (replace the password text for the new password):
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Please enter the new password' -AsPlainText -Force Set-AzureADUserPassword -ObjectId "a8d5e982-6c3d-406e-a533-a21b275e3d37" -Password $password
The word “Azure” is now contracted to “Az”. So instead of:
Not necessarily so. The module AzureAD is still supported in PowerShell 5.0