Month: April 2019

Azure MFA NPS extension replacing MFA Server

Within Azure there are multiple ways to setup MFA. Where you would install MFA server in the past, there is a new extension. Microsoft is going to leave the MFA server behind in the near future (security updates will remain being published for now). Besides the NPS extension and...

Azure virtual machines SLA explained

Recently I received an comparison from Azure with competitors. In the comparison there was stated that by default Azure provides an SLA of 99.95%. However, this is not entirely correct. By default a single basic virtual machine has no SLA at all! I hear you thinking, what??? let me...

Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) Domain Services an option or not?

Frequently I get the question, how are we going to manage our legacy Azure IaaS servers? Should we deploy domain controllers? or should we setup a VPN connection with our on-premise environment? Before we can start answering these questions we will need to learn more about ME DS. Microsoft...

Re-establish trust with Active Directory domain

If you ever had to restore a domain joined machine, or a laptop/desktop that didn’t connect to the domain in a long time, it might happen that the domain relationship is broken. When you try to logon you get the following error: “The trust relationship between this workstation and...

Outlook 2016 search not working

Recently I was notified by a customer that Outlook search wasn’t working anymore as expected (Search not working at all, or missing results). After some searching I found out that this was caused by a Windows 10 Update where a shared DLL was updated: KB4467684 In the the end...

Microsoft Advanced Threat Protecion

Microsoft bied op verschillende diensten Advanced Threat protection aan. Helaas zit er marketing technisch nog steeds hier en daar de naam Defender aan vast, waar het onder water een compleet ander product is. Het is inmiddels geen simpel antivirus pakket meer, maar een all-in-one oplossing tegen aanvallen van buitenaf...

Azure monitoring

Monitoring is het allerbelangrijkste wat er is. Dit is het fundamenteel punt in de hele keten, al dan niet het belangrijkste punt. Wat is er nu uiteindelijk belangrijk als je gaat monitoren? Bekijk alles vanuit de eindgebruiker, houd dat altijd als start punt! Uiteindelijk draait het niet om een...

Infrastructure as code

Als we kijken naar de traditionele manier van beheren van systemen, dan zien we daar vaak de volgende manieren van werken terugkomen: Ticket gebaseerd NOCs (Network Operations Centers) Gescheiden rollen (Operations en ontwikkelaars) Op grafische schil gebaseerd beheer Grote wijzigingen per keer (Waterval principe) Moeilijk schaalbaar (alles moet handmatig...

Set or clear immutable ID

Below are the 2 options to reset or change the immutable ID. These are sometimes required when you want to sync your users, or when you receive a sync error. Calculate and set immutable ID (Recommended) This method is the best way to make sure that AD Connect gets...