Setup a good password policy in Azure AD
A good password policy is the first step on securing your environment and company data. Without a password policy in place you can be sure that a lot of users will take a password that can be easily guessed and/or brute forced in less than 5 minutes. Default Azure...
Azure Risk based conditional access explained and how to set it up!
With the Azure AD Premium P2 license you are entitled for Azure AD Identity Protection. You will get the option in Conditional Access to assign risk level based options to your policies. Azure AD Identity Protection can detect six different types of suspicious sign-in activities with 3 different levels...
Convert federated domain to managed domain
If you have a ADFS server for your user authentication in Office 365 / Azure AD, and you want to use Pass Through Authentication and/or password Hash Synchronization we will need to change a few things and run a few Powershell commands. So before we can change the domain...
Let’s go password less, because passwords are bad! Part 2
Last week we talked about why passwords are bad. Today we will continue with part 2, how to get the passwords gone, and we will zoom in on Windows Hello for Business! So what is Windows Hello? Windows Hello is a modern way of authenticating users on their laptop,...
Let’s go password less, because passwords are bad! Part 1
Quite a statement, passwords are bad? Today I’d like to explain why you should work on better security by using other authentication methods than just 1 password. Why passwords are bad Password are problematic, very often you see that passwords fall in the hands of unpleasant people. Here are...
Reset Azure AD User password with a predefined password
In the Azure portal you can reset the password of a user, but this is always a temporary password. But PowerShell to the resque again, lets set the password in Azure AD with PowerShell with a predefined password! On your Windows device open a PowerShell prompt and connect to...
How to deploy Microsoft Entra Domain Services (Azure AD Domain Services / MEDS)
Today we will learn how to deploy Microsoft Entra Domain services. So let’s go to the Azure portal and let’s get you started! Step 1: Go to Microsoft Entra Domain Services and create a new Microsoft Entra Domain services! Step 2: Now we can start te setup of MEDS,...
What is Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security (EM+S)?
Enterprise Mobility + Security is a Microsoft solution specially developed for management and securing users, company data and applications. This gives you and your users always secured access to your company information without ever worrying about security! With EM+S we are moving from a managed device to data management...
Microsoft Advanced Threat Protecion
Microsoft bied op verschillende diensten Advanced Threat protection aan. Helaas zit er marketing technisch nog steeds hier en daar de naam Defender aan vast, waar het onder water een compleet ander product is. Het is inmiddels geen simpel antivirus pakket meer, maar een all-in-one oplossing tegen aanvallen van buitenaf...
Regelmatig je wachtwoord wijzigen, zinvol of niet?
Mensen blijken zich op een voorspelbare wijze te gedragen wanneer ze een wachtwoord moeten maken wat aan bepaalde vereisten voldoet. Op deze manier werken de eisen die we stellen aan de wachtwoorden die ze bedenken contraproductief, en worden de wachtwoorden dus zwakker. Afdwingen van lange wachtwoorden werkt niet Vereisen...
Azure AD exclude user from password experation policy
Connect to Azure AD with PowerShell: Connect-azuread Now we would like to get an overview of all users, run the following command: Get-azureAduser If you have the UserPrincipalName or email address we might shorten the list to just that single user bij adding a filter: Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId <UserPrincipleName> Next...