Deploy Azure Virtual WAN with Virtual HUB (Manual)

This is the first blog post about Azure Virtual WAN. In the coming series I will be showing how to deploy en setup Azure Virtual WAN and setup VPN connections (S2S and P2S). In this blog post we start with the first step:

  • Manual 1: Deploy Azure Virtual WAN with Virtual HUB

STEP 1: Before we proceed, lets make sure that we have a new resource group. Create a resource group for your Virtual WAN environment.

STEP 2: In this step we are going to create the Virtual WAN. Go to the Azure Store and search for Virtual WAN from Microsoft.

In the next screen fill in all the fields. The only thing that needs explaining is the type to choose.

The following table shows the configurations available for each WAN type:

Virtual WAN typeHub typeAvailable configurations
BasicBasicSite-to-site VPN only
User VPN (P2S)
VPN (site-to-site)
Inter-hub and VNet-to-VNet transiting through the virtual hub
Azure Firewall
NVA in a virtual WAN

If you choose to select a Basic HUB, you can always upgrade to standard. However, you cannot revert from standard to Basic. Due to the limitions of the Basic type, I don’t see much use for it. I’d rather select a VPN Gateway instead of Virtual WAN with the added cost.

STEP 3: From your newly create Virtual WAN go to the Hubs section, and click on a New Hub

Fill in the fields, select a name, I would prefer to give it a name based on the geographical location. Make sure to type in an IP range of at least /24. But for future growth I would recommend to use a /23.

Select the scale unit you would like to have. You will always get a minimum of 2 units for redundancy purposes.

If you want to use Client VPN select yes on the Point to site connection. You can always change this later on.

If you want to use ExpressRoute select yes. You can always change this later on.

In the final step of this wizard click create

This was the first part of deploying a Virtual WAN with a HUB. Next post is about adding a firewall to the HUB: Deploy Azure Firewall with Azure virtual WAN (Manual) | 2 Azure

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