Tag: AD

Retrieve hybrid Azure Active Directory join status

With the modern workplace getting more and more into the businesses, you might want to verify if your devices have been joined to both your local on-premises AD and Azure AD. Just one simple command is all you need to verify the status. On the (hybrid) domain joined device...

Setup Azure File Share with AD authentication (Manual)

With the traditional file server coming to a end, it is time to move along with Azure File Share and AD authentication. Pre-requisites: Office 365 Tenant with an Office 365 Admin account Active Directory on-premise environment AD Connect PowerShell AzFilesHybrid: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-files-samples/releases STEP 1: First, let’s create a new storage...

Convert AD domain users to Azure AD users (Manual)

With the move to the cloud there might be a time where you would like to remove the Active Directory link (AD Connect) and go for a cloud only strategy. With a few simple steps you can disconnect the AD connect sync from Azure AD. When you look in...

Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) Domain Services an option or not?

Frequently I get the question, how are we going to manage our legacy Azure IaaS servers? Should we deploy domain controllers? or should we setup a VPN connection with our on-premise environment? Before we can start answering these questions we will need to learn more about ME DS. Microsoft...