How to auto start and stop Azure VM’s (Manual)
There are situations where you would like to automatically shutdown and start virtual machines in Azure. Where there are several different ways to automate the stop, deallocate and start virtual machines, I would like to show you today how to use a simple setup to automate, schedule and configure...
Automate Azure SQL Size using Azure Automation (Manual)
Recently a customer asked me how to save cost on their Azure SQL database without moving away from DTU based subscription model. In this case this customer knows exactly at what time their database is heavily utilized, and when it’s idling. So with a script its easy to automate....
How to use Azure Automation to maintain SQL indexes and statistics
When you migrate to Azure SQL, you might think that Azure does all SQL maintenance, including the maintenance of your database… But the truth is, you will need to setup some maintenance yourself for your databases. Microsoft doesn’t know what is best for your application or database. With this...
How to automatically assign Office 365 licenses to users based on groups
If you have a large on premise environment, you might want to automate the assignment of Office 365 licenses by using (dynamic) security groups in Azure AD. With this simple manual you should be able to setup automatic license assignment based on a security group....
Azure monitoring
Monitoring is het allerbelangrijkste wat er is. Dit is het fundamenteel punt in de hele keten, al dan niet het belangrijkste punt. Wat is er nu uiteindelijk belangrijk als je gaat monitoren? Bekijk alles vanuit de eindgebruiker, houd dat altijd als start punt! Uiteindelijk draait het niet om een...