Tag: IaaS

New AMD EPYC virtual machine series in Azure!

Today I was browsing the Azure Management portal and discovered that Microsoft Azure released a new virtual machine series based on the AMD EPYC 7452V processors that can achieve a boosted 3.35Ghz. With these new AMD processers there are 4 new series available in Azure: Dasv3-series, Dav3-series, Easv3 and...

Azure Ultra Disk performance storage now available!

For very high demanding workloads, storage wise, Azure has released Ultra Disk performance tier for production use. I’ve already written about it in a previous post ( Slow IOPS in Azure VM’s? not anymore!) But now is the time to take a deeper look. Which disk types do we...

Azure Bastion in Public Preview!

Today Microsoft has announced Azure Bastion. With this new service you will get improved security features and simplified IT managemend with a single click from your webbrowser using the HTML5 web client. This will eliminate the need for a jump server. I am looking forward in using this service...

Kies je de juiste plek voor je data opslag in Azure

In Microsoft Azure zijn er meerdere manieren om je data op te slaan. Hierbij is het van belang om de juiste locatie te kiezen. Er zijn meerdere factoren van belang voor de keuze. Om te kunnen kiezen is belangrijk om te weten welke opslag mogelijkheden er zijn in Azure....