Tag: Azure

How to deploy Azure Stack HCI – Part 2 

In our first blog How to deploy Azure Stack HCI part 1 (Manual) | 2 Azure we learned how to deploy a (single) Azure Stack HCI node and a Cluster. In this manual we will continue the journey and we will setup networking, download images and deploy virtual machines....

How to deploy Azure Stack HCI part 1 (Manual)

Before we start, we will need to know a few things about Azure Stack HyperConverged Infrastructure. Basically it means that we can deploy physical hardware on-premise that uses internal hardware to create a redundant setup when deploying multiple nodes. When deploying Azure Stack HCI on hardware you will get...

Deploy Azure Firewall with Azure virtual WAN (Manual)

In the past blog I showed you how to deploy Azure Virtual WAN with a HUB (Deploy Azure Virtual WAN with Virtual HUB (Manual) | 2 Azure). Today we will continue the journey with the deployment of the Azure Firewall. Prerequisites: STEP 1: Deploy Azure Firewall policy From the...

Deploy Azure Application Gateway V2 with http to https redirect

Azure Application Gateway is an advance type of load-balancer. Where an Azure Load-balancer routes traffic on the transport layer (OSI Layer 4 | TCP + UDP) the Application Gateway is a way more advanced load-balancer. It can route based on URL as well on path’s. On top of that...

Deploy Azure MySQL Flexible Server using Private End-Points (Manual)

In this manual I am going to show you how to deploy Azure MySQL Flexible Server with data encryption enabled using a Service Managed Keys (SMK) for data at rest encryption. What is Azure MySQL Flexible Server? Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server is a fully managed Azure database...

Get started with Azure Functions (Manual)

Azure Functions is a serverless solution that allows you to write less code, maintain less infrastructure, and save on costs. Instead of worrying about deploying and maintaining servers, the cloud infrastructure provides all the up-to-date resources needed to keep your applications running. As you build your functions, you have...

How to solve in Azure: The subscription is not registered to use namespace ‘xxxxxx’

Sometimes it happens that if you want to deploy a new type of resource in Azure that you receive the following error: The subscription is not registered to use namespace ‘*********’. See https://aka.ms/rps-not-found for how to register subscriptions. Today I received the above error for the namespace Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory. And...

Bring your own IP (BYOIP) to Azure with Custom IP Prefix

When you want to move to Azure, but you want to retain your current public IP addresses, because of IP whitelisting, or te preserve your established IP reputation, you can now move your Public IPv4 Addresses to Azure. Once onboarded, these IPs can be associated with Azure resources, interact...

Automatically assign license(s) to groups in Office 365 (Manual)

When you want to align license assignments in Office 365 it might be helpful to automatically assign licenses to users by adding them to groups. This way you can make sure that everybody gets the right license and avoid mistakes. The problem with medium or large companies is that...

Automate Azure SQL Size using Azure Automation (Manual)

Recently a customer asked me how to save cost on their Azure SQL database without moving away from DTU based subscription model. In this case this customer knows exactly at what time their database is heavily utilized, and when it’s idling. So with a script its easy to automate....

How to use Azure Automation to maintain SQL indexes and statistics

When you migrate to Azure SQL, you might think that Azure does all SQL maintenance, including the maintenance of your database… But the truth is, you will need to setup some maintenance yourself for your databases. Microsoft doesn’t know what is best for your application or database. With this...

Convert AD domain users to Azure AD users (Manual)

With the move to the cloud there might be a time where you would like to remove the Active Directory link (AD Connect) and go for a cloud only strategy. With a few simple steps you can disconnect the AD connect sync from Azure AD. When you look in...

Improved Azure Portal design

Today I noticed that the Azure Portal had a new appearance. By default the menu from the left is now hidden, giving you a cleaner view of all the blades, and as well on your dashboards. But what I really like, is the Auto Refresh button on the dashboard....

Enforce (Azure) MFA with Conditional Access policies

Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is an added security feature from Azure which I believe that should be enabled by default for everybody in Office 365 and Azure. There for this manual how to enforce (Azure) MFA for all users using Azure Multi Factor Authentication MFA can prevent unauthorized access...

Azure Private Link now available in Preview!

With an increased security and privacy in mind Microsoft has been working on private links to Azure resources. Azure Private Link is a secure way to consume Azure Services like Azure SQL and Azure Storage using a private connection in your own VNet. This will replace the need for...

Create a drive mapping using Intune on Azure AD joined devices (Manual)

With the transition to Azure AD, you might want to connect your AAD joined devices to the traditional file server as explained in this article: Go Azure AD Joined with on-prem DC and fileserver The next step is to map some network drives with Intune! Step 1: The first...

New Azure region: Switzerland

Microsoft has announced the availability of the new Azure data-centers in Switzerland. With 2 data-centers in Switzerland, Zurich and Geneva, Azure has created a full region (West and North) Microsoft worked together with several Swiss companies as early adopters to improve cloud adoption in Switzerland. As this region is...