Azure SQL, create users and assign permissions (Manual)
This simple manual has been created to create an user in Azure SQL and assign appropriate permissions. First connect to your SQL server. Either use and AAD admin account or the SQL Admin account. Once connected, open a New Query window and run the following command on the Master...
Deploy Azure Application Gateway (v1) with http to https redirect
Azure Application Gateway is an advance type of load-balancer. Where an Azure Load-balancer routes traffic on the transport layer (OSI Layer 4 | TCP + UDP) the Application Gateway is a way more advanced load-balancer. It can route based on URL as well on path’s. On top of that...
Masterclass: Azure Basics
Tonight I was honored to give a masterclass in Azure Basics. By going over the Azure Basics using lab exercises everybody learned how to: Manage Azure subscriptions and resources Configure and manage virtual networks Manage identities Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) Implement and manage storage Special thanks to...
How to get the license key for SQL Server Reporting Services in Azure
Last week I received the question from a customer where to get the SQL license key… By default you will see the key during SQL installation, but with an Azure deployed SQL virtual machine you will never get to see the key, as its deployed from the Azure Portal....
Disable Windows Firewall on a virtual machine from the Azure Portal
When you accidentally locked your self out from a Virtual Machine in Azure, there is no console access to login and help your self back in to the system. In the last year I’ve seen a few cases where somebody accidentally locked himself out of a VM by wrongly...
Azure Heatmap, know what’s new in Azure!
Did you ever wonder what’s new in Azure, or what is updated recently? Azure keeps all its updates to Azure in a cool overview, the Azure Heatmap! Check it out using the following url:
Azure File Sync Agent v7 Released
Microsoft is working hard on improving Azure File sync. They just announced the new release of the v7 agent. For now only current installed agents get the update. Once all current clients have been updated, the update will be available on Microsoft Update and Microsoft Download Center Improvements and...
Azure Bastion in Public Preview!
Today Microsoft has announced Azure Bastion. With this new service you will get improved security features and simplified IT managemend with a single click from your webbrowser using the HTML5 web client. This will eliminate the need for a jump server. I am looking forward in using this service...
How to deploy Azure File Sync
You still have your old network drives? Still need to setup a VPN to access your file shares? Or have you migrated all your files to Azure file share but you need a higher performance for your Autocad files? Wait no longer, Azure File Sync to the rescue! Where...
Sync existing office 365 tenant with local active directory
Recently we created an AAD tenant that has no on-premises AD domain counterpart. Now we are facing an issue where we want to be able to use the identities in this tenant to log into some servers. It would appear that we would need to domain join these servers,...
Azure MFA NPS extension replacing MFA Server
Within Azure there are multiple ways to setup MFA. Where you would install MFA server in the past, there is a new extension. Microsoft is going to leave the MFA server behind in the near future (security updates will remain being published for now). Besides the NPS extension and...
Azure virtual machines SLA explained
Recently I received an comparison from Azure with competitors. In the comparison there was stated that by default Azure provides an SLA of 99.95%. However, this is not entirely correct. By default a single basic virtual machine has no SLA at all! I hear you thinking, what??? let me...
Azure monitoring
Monitoring is het allerbelangrijkste wat er is. Dit is het fundamenteel punt in de hele keten, al dan niet het belangrijkste punt. Wat is er nu uiteindelijk belangrijk als je gaat monitoren? Bekijk alles vanuit de eindgebruiker, houd dat altijd als start punt! Uiteindelijk draait het niet om een...
Infrastructure as code
Als we kijken naar de traditionele manier van beheren van systemen, dan zien we daar vaak de volgende manieren van werken terugkomen: Ticket gebaseerd NOCs (Network Operations Centers) Gescheiden rollen (Operations en ontwikkelaars) Op grafische schil gebaseerd beheer Grote wijzigingen per keer (Waterval principe) Moeilijk schaalbaar (alles moet handmatig...
Modernizeer je identiteits en toegangs beheer met Azure AD
Door Azure AD als je centrale Identiteit opslag te gebruiken word beheer een stuk makkelijker en veiliger. Door Azure AD te gebruiken kan je voortaan makkelijk samen werken met andere bedrijven. Door gebruikers van een andere organisatie uit te nodigen, is het niet meer noodzakelijk om deze ook nog...
Automatiseer je Builds & Deployments met Azure DevOps
Wat is er gaver dan al je ontwikkelingen automatisch te laten uitrollen naar Azure? Door gebruik te maken van Azure DevOps (voorheen VSTS of TFS on-premise) kan je al je builds en deployments volledig automatiseren. Azure DevOps is niet alleen geschikt voor ontwikkelaars, maar ook voor IT Systeem beheerder/specialisten....
Microsoft Secure Score
Microsoft Secure Score is een manier om te meten hoe veilig je organisatie is in Office 365, Windows 10 en EM+S (Enterprise Management + Security). Hiermee kan je zien hoe veilig je organisatie is ten opzichte van het door Microsoft geadviseerde beleid, als ook andere bedrijven in dezelfde sector....
Kies je de juiste plek voor je data opslag in Azure
In Microsoft Azure zijn er meerdere manieren om je data op te slaan. Hierbij is het van belang om de juiste locatie te kiezen. Er zijn meerdere factoren van belang voor de keuze. Om te kunnen kiezen is belangrijk om te weten welke opslag mogelijkheden er zijn in Azure....