Microsoft Entra ID Multitenant organization in public preview
Microsoft has released the ability to setup multitenant environments in Microsoft Entra. With this new feature in Microsoft Entra ID it is possible to define a group of tenants and connect them together to achieve better collaboration between the tenants. This includes the search en discovery of users across...
CSP: Granular Delegated Admin Privileges (GDAP) explained
Microsoft has been working on improving security. In the last few years every CSP customer has had the request to grant Delegated Admin Privileges (DAP) at least once. Without it is hard for the CSP Partner to grant and assign licenses, however not impossible. Of course it is convenient...
Automatically assign license(s) to groups in Office 365 (Manual)
When you want to align license assignments in Office 365 it might be helpful to automatically assign licenses to users by adding them to groups. This way you can make sure that everybody gets the right license and avoid mistakes. The problem with medium or large companies is that...
Setup a good password policy in Azure AD
A good password policy is the first step on securing your environment and company data. Without a password policy in place you can be sure that a lot of users will take a password that can be easily guessed and/or brute forced in less than 5 minutes. Default Azure...
Change Office 365 & SharePoint default domain name (Manual)
When a company changes it name, it would be nice if the SharePoint url can be changed to reflect the new company name. When you first signed up for Microsoft 365 you created an domain. Even if you add custom domains, this domain will be used for SharePoint...
Exchange Online, Basic Authentication end is near…
Microsoft is proactively working on securing their Exchange Online environment. Making your and indirectly other customers environments safer. For now Microsoft is going over all tenants and they will start disabling Basic Authentication. This will include all of the following services: Exchange Web Services (EWS), Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), POP,...
Anti-Spoofing Exchange Online rule (Manual)
Fraudulent emails are becoming a common cyber threat. Anti-spoofing mail rules set up in Office 365 can help. In these phishing schemes, scammers research internal company names and send emails that look like they are coming from the CEO or someone else in the company. Typically the scam emails...
How to automatically assign Office 365 licenses to users based on groups
If you have a large on premise environment, you might want to automate the assignment of Office 365 licenses by using (dynamic) security groups in Azure AD. With this simple manual you should be able to setup automatic license assignment based on a security group....
Change default email address Office 365 group (Manual)
Office 365 Groups are easy to create. However, changing the primary domain name when creating the group might not be that easy from the GUI. However, with Power Shell you can change this easily. First we will need to open a Power Shell Window, and connect with Exchange Online....
Office 365 Set language and time zone for all users with PowerShell (Manual)
When you create a new Office 365 tenant, all user mailboxes will have the default timezone and language. In my case, I work in the Netherlands, the preference for most companies is to set the Time zone to Central European Time (GMT +1) and the language of the users...
Change default send items behavior of Auto-mapped Shared Mailboxes
A commonly heart end-user frustration with Auto-mapped shared mailboxes is that Send emails from the shared mailbox end up in the send items of the user it self. In the past you would need to set a registry key on the client computer to get this resolved. But with...
How to solve Failed to sync the ArchiveGuid in Office 365 (Manual)
Last few weeks I’ve been struggling with an very difficult Office 365 / Exchange Online case, that got escalated to multiple Microsoft departments to be fixed. I already found one part of the solution, but Microsoft found the second part. Today I would like to take you through all...
How to block non-modern authentication to Office 365 services. (Manual)
With Azure Conditional access you get more control over your data, get better security and visibility! To use this feature you will need to buy and assign Azure AD Premium or EM+S E3/E5 licenses to your users. This manual can be used to enforce the use of the Outlook...
Office 365 Set mailbox default language
When you do large migrations, it might be convenient to change the default mailbox language settings for all your end users. By default each user needs to set the default language and time zone at first login to OWA in Office 365. With the following PowerShell Script you should...
Backup your Office 365 environment!
In the past two years, Over 50 percent of businesses experienced an unforeseen interruption, and the vast majority (81%) of these interruptions caused the business to be closed for one or more days. Did you know that 80 percent of businesses suffering a major disaster go out of business...
Deploy Office 365 plugins using the Admin Portal
From the Office 365 Admin portal it is possible to deploy Office plugins to users, both specific as all users. With this manual we will deploy a plugin from the store, but you can deploy custom apps as well. The advantage of using plugins from the store is that...
Office 365 MFA is free of charge!
Where Azure MFA is only included in the paid Azure Active Directory Premium subscriptions (P1/P2 and EM+S suites), there is a free version for the Office 365 apps. It is always a good idea to enable multi factor authentication, in case your credentials get stolen, the thief will not...
Uninstall Office 365 Click-To-Run Updates
There are cases where you want or need to uninstall an Office update. Office 365 installations use a different update than the old Office 2013 & 2016 installations. Where the old installations are a point in time installation, click-to-run always downloads the latest version and then runs the setup....
Sync existing office 365 tenant with local active directory
Recently we created an AAD tenant that has no on-premises AD domain counterpart. Now we are facing an issue where we want to be able to use the identities in this tenant to log into some servers. It would appear that we would need to domain join these servers,...
Microsoft Advanced Threat Protecion
Microsoft bied op verschillende diensten Advanced Threat protection aan. Helaas zit er marketing technisch nog steeds hier en daar de naam Defender aan vast, waar het onder water een compleet ander product is. Het is inmiddels geen simpel antivirus pakket meer, maar een all-in-one oplossing tegen aanvallen van buitenaf...