Let’s go password less, because passwords are bad! Part 1
Quite a statement, passwords are bad? Today I’d like to explain why you should work on better security by using other authentication methods than just 1 password. Why passwords are bad Password are problematic, very often you see that passwords fall in the hands of unpleasant people. Here are...
Azure Heatmap, know what’s new in Azure!
Did you ever wonder what’s new in Azure, or what is updated recently? Azure keeps all its updates to Azure in a cool overview, the Azure Heatmap! Check it out using the following url: https://azureheatmap.azurewebsites.net/...
Use PRTG to monitor Azure Backup status (updated 07-2022)
Recently I received the question if it is possible to monitor Azure Backup with PRTG. Now this might seem to be a bit weird, as we could use Azure monitoring. But in this case, it was a service provider that needed a single solution for all their services, including...
Azure File Sync Agent v7 Released
Microsoft is working hard on improving Azure File sync. They just announced the new release of the v7 agent. For now only current installed agents get the update. Once all current clients have been updated, the update will be available on Microsoft Update and Microsoft Download Center Improvements and...
Reset Azure AD User password with a predefined password
In the Azure portal you can reset the password of a user, but this is always a temporary password. But PowerShell to the resque again, lets set the password in Azure AD with PowerShell with a predefined password! On your Windows device open a PowerShell prompt and connect to...
Backup your Office 365 environment!
In the past two years, Over 50 percent of businesses experienced an unforeseen interruption, and the vast majority (81%) of these interruptions caused the business to be closed for one or more days. Did you know that 80 percent of businesses suffering a major disaster go out of business...
Azure Bastion in Public Preview!
Today Microsoft has announced Azure Bastion. With this new service you will get improved security features and simplified IT managemend with a single click from your webbrowser using the HTML5 web client. This will eliminate the need for a jump server. I am looking forward in using this service...
Slow IOPS in Azure VM’s? not anymore!
— UPDATE 31-12-2019 — New disk sizes P1-P3 & E1-E3 In Azure there are several ways to implement your VM storage. I get a lot of complaints about slow storage in Azure. In this article I will try to explain why this might be slow, and what you can...
Deploy Office 365 plugins using the Admin Portal
From the Office 365 Admin portal it is possible to deploy Office plugins to users, both specific as all users. With this manual we will deploy a plugin from the store, but you can deploy custom apps as well. The advantage of using plugins from the store is that...
How to deploy Microsoft Entra Domain Services (Azure AD Domain Services / MEDS)
Today we will learn how to deploy Microsoft Entra Domain services. So let’s go to the Azure portal and let’s get you started! Step 1: Go to Microsoft Entra Domain Services and create a new Microsoft Entra Domain services! Step 2: Now we can start te setup of MEDS,...
Office 365 MFA is free of charge!
Where Azure MFA is only included in the paid Azure Active Directory Premium subscriptions (P1/P2 and EM+S suites), there is a free version for the Office 365 apps. It is always a good idea to enable multi factor authentication, in case your credentials get stolen, the thief will not...
How to deploy Azure File Sync
You still have your old network drives? Still need to setup a VPN to access your file shares? Or have you migrated all your files to Azure file share but you need a higher performance for your Autocad files? Wait no longer, Azure File Sync to the rescue! Where...
What is Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security (EM+S)?
Enterprise Mobility + Security is a Microsoft solution specially developed for management and securing users, company data and applications. This gives you and your users always secured access to your company information without ever worrying about security! With EM+S we are moving from a managed device to data management...
Uninstall Office 365 Click-To-Run Updates
There are cases where you want or need to uninstall an Office update. Office 365 installations use a different update than the old Office 2013 & 2016 installations. Where the old installations are a point in time installation, click-to-run always downloads the latest version and then runs the setup....
Sync existing office 365 tenant with local active directory
Recently we created an AAD tenant that has no on-premises AD domain counterpart. Now we are facing an issue where we want to be able to use the identities in this tenant to log into some servers. It would appear that we would need to domain join these servers,...
Azure MFA NPS extension replacing MFA Server
Within Azure there are multiple ways to setup MFA. Where you would install MFA server in the past, there is a new extension. Microsoft is going to leave the MFA server behind in the near future (security updates will remain being published for now). Besides the NPS extension and...
Azure virtual machines SLA explained
Recently I received an comparison from Azure with competitors. In the comparison there was stated that by default Azure provides an SLA of 99.95%. However, this is not entirely correct. By default a single basic virtual machine has no SLA at all! I hear you thinking, what??? let me...
Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) Domain Services an option or not?
Frequently I get the question, how are we going to manage our legacy Azure IaaS servers? Should we deploy domain controllers? or should we setup a VPN connection with our on-premise environment? Before we can start answering these questions we will need to learn more about ME DS. Microsoft...
Re-establish trust with Active Directory domain
If you ever had to restore a domain joined machine, or a laptop/desktop that didn’t connect to the domain in a long time, it might happen that the domain relationship is broken. When you try to logon you get the following error: “The trust relationship between this workstation and...
Outlook 2016 search not working
Recently I was notified by a customer that Outlook search wasn’t working anymore as expected (Search not working at all, or missing results). After some searching I found out that this was caused by a Windows 10 Update where a shared DLL was updated: KB4467684 In the the end...